Active & Passive Voice


Active Voice                                                             Passive Voice

They are buying this house.                                              This house is being bought by them.

He will write a letter.                                                           A letter will be written by him.

She likes apples.                                                                 Apples are liked by her.

Who is asking question?                                                    By whom are questions being asked?

Open the door.                                                                     Let the door be opened.

She loves her cat very much.                                            Her cat is loved very much by her.

I did not paint the wall.                                                        The wall was not painted by me.

My teacher will help me in my studies.                            I shall be helped by my teacher in my studies.

He is abusing me for nothing.                                           I am being abused by him for nothing.

We have done our homework.                                          Our homework has been done by us.

The boy is climbing the wall.                                             The wall is being climbed by the boy.

Why did she write such a letter?                                       Why was such a letter written by her?

He will give you a box of chocolates.                               A box of chocolates will be given to you by him.

They have not done their job.                                            Their job has not been done by them.


She likes apples.                                                                 Apples are liked by her.

They have bought a horse.                                                            A horse has been bought by them.

She bought five video films.                                              Five video films were bought by her.

She was teaching the students.                                       The students were being taught by her.

The Board has given me a gold medal.                           A gold medal has been given to me by the Board.

Did they catch the thief?                                                    Was the thief caught by them?

She knows me.                                                                    I am known to her.

He will write a letter.                                                                        A letter will be written by him.

The sudden noise frightened the child.                          The child was frightened by the sudden noise.

She has not beaten the dog.                                             The dog has not been beaten by her.

We use milk for making cheese.                                      Milk is used by us for making cheese.

They caught the thief.                                                         The thief was caught by them.

She was teaching the students.                                       The students were being taught by her.

We did not hear a sound.                                                   A sound was not heard by us.

She likes apples.                                                                 Apples are liked by her.

We shall have killed the snake.                                        The snake will have been killed by us.

The mother loves her children.                                         Her children are loved by the mother.

She gave me five films.                                                      I was given five films by her.

He will write a letter.                                                            A letter will be written by him.

A car ran over an old man.                                                 An old man was run over by a car.

They played football.                                                           Football was played by them.

She reads a novel.                                                              A novel is read by her.

I was writing a drama.                                                         A drama was being written by me.

Love the orphan.                                                                  Let the orphan be loved.

They are buying this house.                                              This house is being bought by them.

She gave me five films.                                                      I was given five films by her.

He will write a letter.                                                            A letter will be written by him.

Do it.                                                                                      

He gave me a book.                                                            I was given a book by him.

Why were they beating the boy?                                      Why the boy was being beaten by them?

We shall have killed the snake.                                        The snake will have been killed by us.

Do it.

The dog chased the rabbit.                                                The rabbit was chased by the dog.

The headmaster gives me a prize.                                   I am given a prize by the headmaster.

They are buying this house.                                              This house is being bought by them.

We shall have killed the snake.                                        The snake will have been killed by us.

She likes apples.                                                                 Apples are liked by her.

The boy made a picture.                                                     A picture was made by the boy.

They have bought a horse.                                                            A horse has been bought by them.

The boy is climbing the wall.                                             The wall is being climbed by the boy.

She will write a letter.                                                          A letter will be written by her.

They caught the thief.                                                         The thief was caught by them.

She tells a lie.                                                                       A lie is told by her.

The teacher was helping the students.                           The students were being helped by the teacher.

Shut the door.                                                                       Let the door be shut.

He will tell a story.                                                                A story will be told by him.

They love their dog very much.                                         Their dog is loved very much by them.

He is mending the chair.                                                    The chair is being mended by him.

I will buy a car.                                                                      A car will be bought by me.

Who was solving the sum?                                                           By whom was the sum being solved?

They praised the boy for his courage.                              The boy was praised for his courage.

They have bought a horse.                                                            A horse has been bought by them.

We did not hear a sound.                                                   A sound was not heard by us.

You will read a story.                                                           A story will be read by you.

They had already completed the work.                            The work had already been completed by them.

Try this shirt.                                                                         Let this shirt be tried.

Open the window.                                                               Let the window be opened.

I am not doing my homework.                                           My homework is not being done by me.

A car ran over a child.                                                         A child was run over by a car.

Who is singing a song?                                                      By whom is a song being sung?

Open your book.                                                                  Let your book be opened.

She likes good friends.                                                       Good friends are liked by her.

She did not cheat anyone.                                                 Anyone was not cheated by her.

We shall have read the lesson.                                         The lesson will have been read by us.

She will read a book.                                                           A book will be read by her.

The boy is climbing the wall.                                             The wall is being climbed by the boy.

He reads good books.                                                         Good books are read by him.

Aslam will not fly kite.                                                         Kite will not be flown by Aslam.

You were telling a story.                                                     A story was being told by you.

Who will break the chair?                                                   By whom will the chair be broken?

Always speak the truth.                                                      Let the truth always be spoken.

Who will oppose you?                                                        By whom will you be opposed?

Break the egg.                                                                      Let the egg be broken.

Do not tell a lie?                                                                   Let a lie be not told.

She works a spinning wheel.                                            A spinning wheel is worked by her.

We will win the match.                                                        The match will be won by us.

The goat gives milk.                                                                        Milk is given by the goat.

You made lame excuses.                                                  Lame excuses were made by you.

They will hate the poor.                                                      The poor will be hated by them.

Who has stolen the fan?                                                    By whom has the fan been stolen?

They were running this school.                                        This school was being run by them.

They will not cheat me.                                                       I will not be cheated by them.

He had never read bad books.                                          Bad books had never been read by him.

Help your friends.                                                                Let your friends be helped.

Why is the hen laying golden eggs?                               Why are the golden eggs being laid by the hen?

Ali cleans the teeth.                                                             The teeth are cleaned by Ali.

1)    Present Indefinite Tense:    

Active Voice
Passive Voice

Very Important Sentences

She likes apples.                                                                 Apples are liked by her.

She loves her cat very much.                                            Her cat is loved very much by her.

She knows me.                                                                    I am known to her.

She reads a novel.                                                              A novel is read by her.

She tells a lie.                                                                       A lie is told by her.

She likes good friends.                                                       Good friends are liked by her.

He reads good books.                                                         Good books are read by him.

She works a spinning wheel.                                            A spinning wheel is worked by her.

Ali cleans the teeth.                                                             The teeth are cleaned by Ali.

The mother loves her children.                                         Her children are loved by the mother.

We use milk for making cheese.                                      Milk is used by us for making cheese.

The headmaster gives me a prize.                                   I am given a prize by the headmaster.

They love their dog very much.                                         Their dog is loved very much by them.

The goat gives milk.                                                                        Milk is given by the goat.
                                                                        - 2 -

Important Sentences

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

He loves his son.                                                                 His son is loved by him.

They play hockey.                                                                Hockey is played by them.

I like mangoes.                                                                     Mangoes are liked by me.

My mother loves me.                                                           I am loved by my mother.

The peon rings the bell.                                                      The bell is rung by the peon.

It weakens the body.                                                           The body is weakened by it.

They remove the cause of the disease.                           The cause of the disease is removed by them.

They wash out harmful acids.                                           Harmful acids are washed out by them.

All the students like him.                                                    He is liked by all the students.

We pluck flowers.                                                                Flowers are plucked by us.

I do not punish him.                                                                        He is not punished by me.

They do not write a letter.                                                   A letter is not written by them.

We do not read the lesson.                                                            The lesson is not read by us.

Do you like apple?                                                               Is apple liked by you?

Does he eat mangoes?                                                      Are mangoes eaten by him?

Does she solve the sums?                                                            Are the sums solved by her?

                                                                        - 3 -

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

Who boils eggs?                                                                  By whom are eggs boiled?

Who laughs at me?                                                             By whom am I laughed at?

Why do you laugh at him?                                                 Why is he laughed at by you?

Ali cleans his teeth.                                                             His teeth are cleaned by Ali.

We obey our parent.                                                            Our parents are obeyed by us.

She hates him.                                                                     He is hated by her.

She writes a letter.                                                               A letter is written by her.

They buy beautiful books.                                                  Beautiful books are brought by them.

The father likes games.                                                      Games are liked by the father.

My watch keeps correct time.                                             Correct time is kept by my watch.

He does not like this house.                                              This house is not liked by him.

Ali does not clean his teeth.                                              His teeth are not cleaned by Ali.

I do not take my meals.                                                       My meals is not taken by me.

Does she sing songs?                                                        Are songs sung by her?

Do we offer prayers?                                                           Are prayers offered by us?

Do we play football?                                                            Is football played by us?


Active Voice

Do not have a cup of tea?

Do not break these toys?

Do not drink cold water.

You can do it.

We may not do this.

Passive Voice

Let a cup of tea be not have.

Let these toys be not broken.

Let cold water be not drunk.

It can be done by you.

This may not be done by us.

2)    Present Continuous Tense:           

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

They are buying this house.                                              This house is being bought by them.

He is abusing me for nothing.                                           I am being abused by him for nothing.

The boy is climbing the wall.                                             The wall is being climbed by the boy.

He is mending the chair.                                                    The chair is being mended by him.

I am not doing my homework.                                           My homework is not being done by me.

Who is asking question?                                                    By whom are questions being asked?

Who is singing a song?                                                      By whom is a song being sung?

Why is the hen laying golden eggs?                               Why are the golden eggs being laid by the hen?

Important Sentences

I am looking for my watch.                                                 My watch is being looked for by me.

The peon is ringing the bell.                                              The bell is being run by the peon.

The cat is catching the mice.                                             The mice are being caught by the cat.

The boys are playing cricket.                                             Cricket is being played by the boys.

Children are not making mischiefs.                                 Mischiefs are not being made by the children.

                                                                        - 2 -

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

We are doing our duty.                                                       Our duty is being done by us.

You are cheating me.                                                         I am being cheated by you.

The servant is lighting the fire.                                          The fire is being lit by the servant.

She is laughing at me.                                                       I am being laughed at by her.

Are they reading books?                                                    Are books being read by them?

Is he reciting the Holy Quran?                                          Is the Holy Quran being recited by him?

Why are you eating rice?                                                   Why is rice being eaten by you?

Who is making a noise?                                                     By whom is a noise being made?

He is looking at us.                                                              We are being looked at by him.

He is ploughing the fields.                                                 The fields are being ploughed by him.

The baby is drinking milk.                                                  Milk is being drunk by the baby.

They are buying novel.                                                       Novels are being bought by them.

The boys are reading the newspaper.                             The newspapers are being read by the boys.

Jamil is writing a letter.                                                       A letter is being written by Jamil.

Jamil is writing a drama.                                                     A drama is being written by Jamil.

The dog is not eating bones.                                             Bones are not being eaten by the dog.

You are playing piano.                                                       Piano is being played by you.

Who is knocking at the door?                                            By whom is the door being knocked at?

Who is beating the dog?                                                    By whom is the dog being beaten?

3)    Present Perfect Tense:

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

We have done our homework.                                          Our homework has been done by us.

They have bought a horse.                                                            A horse has been bought by them.

The Board has given me a gold medal.                           A gold medal has been given to me by
the Board.

They have not done their job.                                            Their job has not been done by them.

She has not beaten the dog.                                             The dog has not been beaten by her.

Who has stolen the fan?                                                    By whom has the fan been stolen?

Important Sentences

The cook has cooked the meal.                                        The meal has been cooked by the cook.

They have taught the poem.                                              The poem has been taught by them.

We have not taken tea.                                                       Tea has not been taken by us.

Have you finished your work?                                          Have your work been finished by you?

She has read the novels.                                                   The novels have been read by her.

I have bought a house.                                                       A house has been bought by me.

We have won the match.                                                   The match has been won by us.

He has written a letter.                                                        A letter has been written by him.

He has lost all his money.                                                  All his money has been lost by him.

They have beaten us.                                                         We have been beaten by them.

The clock has struck five.                                                   Five has been struck by the clock.

The boy has beaten the dog.                                             The dog has been beaten by the boy.

A dog has bitten the boy.                                                    The boy has been bitten by the dog.

The cat has drunk all the milk.                                          All the milk has been drunk by the cat.

The villagers have collected the leaves.                          The leaves have been collected by the villagers.

You have not done your duty.                                           Your duty has not been done by you.

I shall buy a ticket.                                                               A ticket will be bought by me.

Has he killed the lion?                                                        Has the lion been killed by him?

Has he won the prize?                                                        Has the prize been won by him?

Have they won the match?                                                            Has the match been won by them?

Why has he punished me?                                                           Why have I been punished by him?

5)    Past Indefinite Tense:

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

He gave me a book.                                                            I was given a book by him.

She bought five video films.                                              Five video films were bought by her.

They have bought a horse.                                                            A horse has been bought by them.

She gave me five films.                                                      I was given five films by her.

They caught the thief.                                                         The thief was caught by them.

They played football.                                                           Football was played by them.

A car ran over an old man.                                                 An old man was run over by a car.

A car ran over a child.                                                         A child was run over by a car.

The boy made a picture.                                                     A picture was made by the boy.

The dog chased the rabbit.                                                The rabbit was chased by the dog.

The sudden noise frightened the child.                          The child was frightened by the sudden noise.

They praised the boy for his courage.                              The boy was praised for his courage.

You made lame excuses.                                                  Lame excuses were made by you.

I did not paint the wall.                                                        The wall was not painted by me.

We did not hear a sound.                                                   A sound was not heard by us.


She did not cheat anyone.                                                 Anyone was not cheated by her.

Why did she write such a letter?                                       Why was such a letter written by her?

Did they catch the thief?                                                    Was the thief caught by them?

She bought five pencils.                                                    Five pencils were bought by her.

He wrote an essay.                                                              An essay was written by him.

He opened the door.                                                           The door was opened by him.

The dog chased the rabbit.                                                            The rabbit was chased by the dog.

They played football.                                                           Football was played by them.

The fishermen caught the fish.                                         The fish were caught by the fishermen.

He did not help you.                                                                        You were not helped by him.

I did not paint the wall.                                                        The wall was not painted by me.

You did not send him a message.                                                A message was not sent to him by you.

Did he sell his house?                                                        Was his house sold by him?

Did they catch the thief?                                                    Was the thief caught by them?

Why did she write such a letter?                                       Why was such a letter written by her?

She bought a book.                                                             A book was bought by her.

Ali took the thief to the station.                                          The thief was taken to the station by Ali.

I punished him.                                                                    He was punished by me.

Active Voice

I brought this news to him.

Khalid made two centuries.

I lent him my camera.

I did not knock at the door.

Saeed did not teach them English.

Did he ring the bell?

Passive Voice

This news was brought by me to him.

Two centuries were made by Khalid.

My camera was lent to him by me.

The door was not knocked at by me.

They were not taught English by Saeed.

Was the bell rung by him?

                                                                            - 2 -
You did not send him a message.

Why did you help him?

Why did the teacher punish them?

How did he solve the sum?

Who ate mangoes?

Why did you not return my camera?

He gave me a blow.

He kept me waiting.

I threw a ball.

We caught the young baby birds.

The mason built the white house.

Kamran wrote a letter.

The driver stopped the engine.

The peon rang the bell.

The children laughed at the poor.

Ahmad cut down the tree.

A stone struck him.

They borrow the books.

He did not speak a few words.

He did not spoil the show.

Did he open the door?

Did you catch the thief?

Did the children laugh at the beggar?

Did she kill a big rat?

Who frightened the baby?

Who did this?

A message was not sent to him by you.

Why was he helped by you?

Why were they punished by the teacher?

How were the sums solved by him?

By whom mangoes were eaten?

Why was my camera not returned by you?

A blow was given to me by him.

I was kept waiting by her?

A ball was thrown by me.

The young baby birds were caught by us.

The white house was built by the mason.

A letter was written by Kamran.

The engine was stopped by the driver.

The bell was rung by the peon.

The poor were laughed at by the children.

The tree was cut down by Ahmad.

He was struck by a stone.

The books are borrowed by them.

A few words were not spoken by him.

The show was not spoiled by him.

Was the door opened by him?

Was the thief caught by you?

Was the beggar laughed at by the children?

Was a big rat killed by her?

By whom was the baby frightened?

By whom was this done?

6)    Past Continuous Tense:

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

She was teaching the students.                                       The students were being taught by her.

The teacher was helping the students.                           The students were being helped by the teacher.

I was writing a drama.                                                         A drama was being written by me.

You were telling a story.                                                     A story was being told by you.

They were running this school.                                        This school was being run by them.

Why were they beating the boy?                                      Why the boy was being beaten by them?

Who was solving the sum?                                                           By whom was the sum being solved?

How was he making a picture?                                         How a picture was being made by him?

Why were they beating the thief?                                     Why was the thief being beaten by them?

Who was knocking at the door?                                        By whom was the door being knocked at?

He was playing football.                                                     Football was being played by him.

He was reading a book.                                                      A book was being read by him.

She was telling a lie.                                                           A lie was being told by her.

                                                                        - 2 -

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

She was using green pen.                                                 Green pen was being used by her.

The mason was making the wall.                                     The wall was being made by the mason.

The teacher was teaching us a new lesson.                  We were being taught a new lesson by the teacher.

They were not boiling eggs.                                               Eggs were not being boiled by them.

They were making a noise.                                                            A noise was being made by them.

Was he driving a car?                                                         Was a car being driven by him?

Was he selling that car?                                                     Was that car being sold by him?

Were we learning our lesson?                                          Was our lesson being learnt by us.

Why was the teacher punishing them?                          Why were they being punished by the teacher?

Who was knocking at the door?                                        By whom was the door being knocked at?

7)    Past Perfect Tense:

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

They had already completed the work.                            The work had already been completed by them.

He had never read bad books.                                          Bad books had never been read by him.

He had told me to do it.                                                       I had been told to do it by him.

They had gained nothing.                                                  Nothing had been gained by them.

He had already made tea.                                                  Tea had already been made by him.

They had finished the work.                                              The work had been finished by them.

She had changed her clothes.                                          Her clothes had been changed by her.

I had not taken my breakfast.                                            My breakfast had not been taken by me.

Had the doctor tested my eyes?                                        Had my eyes been tested by the doctor?

Had he posted these letter?                                               Had these letters been posted by him?

Who had seen the lion?                                                     By whom had the lion been seen?

9)    Future Indefinite Tense:

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

He will write a letter.                                                            A letter will be written by him.

My teacher will help me in my studies.                            I shall be helped by my teacher in my studies.

He will give you a box of chocolates.                               A box of chocolates will be given to you by him.

He will tell a story.                                                                A story will be told by him.

You will read a story.                                                           A story will be read by you.

I will buy a car.                                                                      A car will be bought by me.

She will read a book.                                                           A book will be read by her.

We will win the match.                                                        The match will be won by us.

They will hate the poor.                                                      The poor will be hated by them.

Aslam will not fly kite.                                                         Kite will not be flown by Aslam.

They will not cheat me.                                                       I will not be cheated by them.

She will cook food.                                                              Food will be cooked by her.

He will defeat the enemy.                                                  The enemy will be defeated by us.

Who will break the chair?                                                   By whom will the chair be broken?

Who will oppose you?                                                        By whom will you be opposed?

He will sell a house.                                                                        A house will be sold by him.

I shall invite him.                                                                  He will be invited by me.

We shall buy a house.                                                        A house will be bought by us.

You will not beat her.                                                          She will not be beaten by you.

We shall not sing songs.                                                    Songs will not be sung by us.

Shall we sing songs?                                                         Will songs be sung by us?

What will you read?                                                             What will be read by you?

Who will help her?                                                              By whom will she be helped?

When will they recite the Holy Quran?                            When will the Holy Quran be recited by them?


He will finish the work.                                                       The work will be finished by him.

She will not praise them.                                                    They will not be praised by her.

He will not help us.                                                              We shall not be helped by him.

I shall buy a ticket.                                                               A ticket will be bought by me.

I shall take the round of the fields.                                               The round of the fields will be taken by me.

We shall buy a new book.                                                  A new book will be bought by us.

The fire will burn the house.                                              The house will be burnt by the fire.

The constable will arrest the thief.                                                The thief will be arrested by the constable.

Will she darn her socks?                                                    Will her socks be darned by her?

Will she set my hair?                                                           Will my hair be set by her?

Will they catch the thief?                                                    Will the thief be caught by them?

Future Perfect Tense:

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

We shall have killed the snake.                                        The snake will have been killed by us.

We shall have read the lesson.                                         The lesson will have been read by us.

You will have taken tea.                                                     Tea will have been taken by you.

They will have mocked at us.                                            We shall have been mocked at by them.

He will have finished the work.                                         The work will have been finished by him.

We should not have told a lie.                                           A lie should not have been told by us.

He will have pressed the button.                                      The button will have been pressed by him.

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

Open the door.                                                                     Let the door be opened.

Love the orphan.                                                                  Let the orphan be loved.

Shut the door.                                                                       Let the door be shut.

Try this shirt.                                                                         Let this shirt be tried.

Do it.                                                                                       Let it be done.

Open the window.                                                               Let the window be opened.

Open your book.                                                                  Let your book be opened.

Break the egg.                                                                      Let the egg be broken.

Help your friends.                                                                Let your friends be helped.

Do not tell a lie?                                                                   Let not a lie be told.

Always speak the truth.                                                      Let the truth always be spoken.

Ring the bell.                                                                                    Let the bell be rung.

Shut the window.                                                                 Let the window be shut.

Write a letter.                                                                         Let a letter be written.

Polish my shoes.                                                                 Let my shoes be polished.

Do not make a noise.                                                          Let not a noise be made.

Do not waste your time.                                                      Let not your time be wasted.

Do not laugh at the poor.                                                    Let not the poor be laughed at.

Let him drink water.                                                             Let water be drunk by him.

Eat an apple in the morning.                                             Let an apple be eaten in the morning.

Pull the chain.                                                                      Let the chain be pulled.

Strike off his name.                                                             Let his name be struck off.

Learn this lesson.                                                                Let this lesson being learnt.

Wash the clothes.                                                                Let the clothes be washed.

Fly kites.                                                                                Kites are flown.

Send him home.                                                                  Let him be sent home.

Do not beat the dog.                                                            Let the dog be not beaten.

            9.         Change the voice of the following:                                                                                 


                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

Who boils eggs?                                                                  By whom are eggs boiled?

Who laughs at me?                                                             By whom am I laughed at?

Why do you laugh at him?                                                 Why is he laughed at by you?

Ali cleans his teeth.                                                             His teeth are cleaned by Ali.

We obey our parent.                                                            Our parents are obeyed by us.

She hates him.                                                                     He is hated by her.

She writes a letter.                                                               A letter is written by her.

They buy beautiful books.                                                  Beautiful books are brought by them.

The father likes games.                                                      Games are liked by the father.

My watch keeps correct time.                                             Correct time is kept by my watch.

He does not like this house.                                              This house is not liked by him.

Ali does not clean his teeth.                                              His teeth are not cleaned by Ali.

I do not take my meals.                                                       My meals is not taken by me.

Does she sing songs?                                                        Are songs sung by her?

Do we offer prayers?                                                           Are prayers offered by us?

Do we play football?                                                            Is football played by us?

2)    Present Continuous Tense:           

Very Important Sentences

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

They are buying this house.                                              This house is being bought by them.

He is abusing me for nothing.                                           I am being abused by him for nothing.

The boy is climbing the wall.                                             The wall is being climbed by the boy.

He is mending the chair.                                                    The chair is being mended by him.

I am not doing my homework.                                           My homework is not being done by me.

Who is asking question?                                                    By whom are questions being asked?

Who is singing a song?                                                      By whom is a song being sung?

Why is the hen laying golden eggs?                               Why are the golden eggs being laid by the hen?

Important Sentences

I am looking for my watch.                                                 My watch is being looked for by me.

The peon is ringing the bell.                                              The bell is being run by the peon.

The cat is catching the mice.                                             The mice are being caught by the cat.

The boys are playing cricket.                                             Cricket is being played by the boys.

Children are not making mischiefs.                                 Mischiefs are not being made by the children.

                                                                        - 2 -

We are doing our duty.                                                       Our duty is being done by us.

You are cheating me.                                                         I am being cheated by you.

The servant is lighting the fire.                                          The fire is being lit by the servant.

She is laughing at me.                                                       I am being laughed at by her.

Are they reading books?                                                    Are books being read by them?

Is he reciting the Holy Quran?                                          Is the Holy Quran being recited by him?

Why are you eating rice?                                                   Why is rice being eaten by you?

Who is making a noise?                                                     By whom is a noise being made?

He is looking at us.                                                              We are being looked at by him.

He is ploughing the fields.                                                 The fields are being ploughed by him.

The baby is drinking milk.                                                  Milk is being drunk by the baby.

They are buying novel.                                                       Novels are being bought by them.

The boys are reading the newspaper.                             The newspapers are being read by the boys.

Jamil is writing a letter.                                                       A letter is being written by Jamil.

Jamil is writing a drama.                                                     A drama is being written by Jamil.

The dog is not eating bones.                                             Bones are not being eaten by the dog.

You are playing piano.                                                       Piano is being played by you.

Who is knocking at the door?                                            By whom is the door being knocked at?

Who is beating the dog?                                                    By whom is the dog being beaten?

3)    Present Perfect Tense:

Very Important Sentences

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

We have done our homework.                                          Our homework has been done by us.

They have bought a horse.                                                            A horse has been bought by them.

The Board has given me a gold medal.                           A gold medal has been given to me by
the Board.

They have not done their job.                                            Their job has not been done by them.

She has not beaten the dog.                                             The dog has not been beaten by her.

Who has stolen the fan?                                                    By whom has the fan been stolen?

The cook has cooked the meal.                                        The meal has been cooked by the cook.

They have taught the poem.                                              The poem has been taught by them.

We have not taken tea.                                                       Tea has not been taken by us.

Have you finished your work?                                          Have your work been finished by you?

She has read the novels.                                                   The novels have been read by her.

I have bought a house.                                                       A house has been bought by me.

We have won the match.                                                   The match has been won by us.

He has written a letter.                                                        A letter has been written by him.

He has lost all his money.                                                  All his money has been lost by him.

They have beaten us.                                                         We have been beaten by them.

The clock has struck five.                                                   Five has been struck by the clock.

The boy has beaten the dog.                                             The dog has been beaten by the boy.

A dog has bitten the boy.                                                    The boy has been bitten by the dog.

The cat has drunk all the milk.                                          All the milk has been drunk by the cat.

The villagers have collected the leaves.                          The leaves have been collected by the villagers.

You have not done your duty.                                           Your duty has not been done by you.

I shall buy a ticket.                                                               A ticket will be bought by me.

Has he killed the lion?                                                        Has the lion been killed by him?

Has he won the prize?                                                        Has the prize been won by him?

Have they won the match?                                                            Has the match been won by them?

Why has he punished me?                                                           Why have I been punished by him?

5)    Past Indefinite Tense:

Very Important Sentences

                 Active Voice
Passive Voice

He gave me a book.                                                            I was given a book by him.

She bought five video films.                                              Five video films were bought by her.

They have bought a horse.                                                            A horse has been bought by them.

She gave me five films.                                                      I was given five films by her.

They caught the thief.                                                         The thief was caught by them.

They played football.                                                           Football was played by them.

A car ran over an old man.                                                 An old man was run over by a car.

A car ran over a child.                                                         A child was run over by a car.

The boy made a picture.                                                     A picture was made by the boy.

The dog chased the rabbit.                                                The rabbit was chased by the dog.

The sudden noise frightened the child.                          The child was frightened by the sudden noise.

They praised the boy for his courage.                              The boy was praised for his courage.

You made lame excuses.                                                  Lame excuses were made by you.

I did not paint the wall.                                                        The wall was not painted by me.

We did not hear a sound.                                                   A sound was not heard by us.

                                                                           - 2 -

She did not cheat anyone.                                                 Anyone was not cheated by her.

Why did she write such a letter?                                       Why was such a letter written by her?

Did they catch the thief?                                                    Was the thief caught by them?

She bought five pencils.                                                    Five pencils were bought by her.

He wrote an essay.                                                              An essay was written by him.

He opened the door.                                                           The door was opened by him.

The dog chased the rabbit.                                                            The rabbit was chased by the dog.

They played football.                                                           Football was played by them.

The fishermen caught the fish.                                         The fish were caught by the fishermen.

He did not help you.                                                                        You were not helped by him.

I did not paint the wall.                                                        The wall was not painted by me.

You did not send him a message.                                                A message was not sent to him by you.

Did he sell his house?                                                        Was his house sold by him?

Did they catch the thief?                                                    Was the thief caught by them?

Why did she write such a letter?                                       Why was such a letter written by her?

She bought a book.                                                             A book was bought by her.

Ali took the thief to the station.                                          The thief was taken to the station by Ali.

I punished him.                                                                    He was punished by me.

                                                                            - 2 -
You did not send him a message.

Why did you help him?

Why did the teacher punish them?

How did he solve the sum?

Who ate mangoes?

Why did you not return my camera?

He gave me a blow.

He kept me waiting.

I threw a ball.

We caught the young baby birds.

The mason built the white house.

Kamran wrote a letter.

The driver stopped the engine.

The peon rang the bell.

The children laughed at the poor.

Ahmad cut down the tree.

A stone struck him.

They borrow the books.

He did not speak a few words.

He did not spoil the show.

Did he open the door?

Did you catch the thief?

Did the children laugh at the beggar?

Did she kill a big rat?

Who frightened the baby?

Who did this?

A message was not sent to him by you.

Why was he helped by you?

Why were they punished by the teacher?

How were the sums solved by him?

By whom mangoes were eaten?

Why was my camera not returned by you?

A blow was given to me by him.

I was kept waiting by her?

A ball was thrown by me.

The young baby birds were caught by us.

The white house was built by the mason.

A letter was written by Kamran.

The engine was stopped by the driver.

The bell was rung by the peon.

The poor were laughed at by the children.

The tree was cut down by Ahmad.

He was struck by a stone.

The books are borrowed by them.

A few words were not spoken by him.

The show was not spoiled by him.

Was the door opened by him?

Was the thief caught by you?

Was the beggar laughed at by the children?

Was a big rat killed by her?

By whom was the baby frightened?

By whom was this done?
